Patients needing these exciting remedies tend to be strong, dynamic people. They talk of energy and power and are often successful and well regarded by others. Yet they do not seek to dominate. They are humanitarians and want to serve others.
They can talk about the Universe, infinity, enormous distances and vast periods of time.
However, the feeling of being just energy, of being non-material, can be very frightening – there can be a lack of boundaries and a feeling of having no body, or even no existence at all.
When connecting with the source of their particular remedy they can feel hugely empowered.
These people tend to be “larger than life” – they can be markedly extroverted and say startling things like “I am the most powerful person on the planet!” or “I am swallowing the Universe!”
There is sometimes a conventional diagnosis such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Hyperactivity or Bipolar Disorder.
It is also notable that these remedies are quite often indicated for Homeopaths.
Past trauma is often severe in these cases but when the simillimum is an Imponderable the healing is usually rapid and profound.
Remedies studied with the aid of video cases will include Lux foramina nigris (Black Hole), Electricitas, Laser Beam, Luna (Moon Light), Spectrum (Light Spectrum), Positronium (Anti-Matter) and Ignis alcoholus (Fire).
The Imponderable group picture shows overlaps with Gases, Radioactives and Lanthanides and we will see what the similarities are and how to distinguish between these related remedy groups.
We will study the themes of the group and learn the distinctive language which sets the Imponderables apart from more familiar remedies.
Time: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Chairman of the day: Frans Kusse
Please note: the seminar will take place online as a webinar.
The two-day webinar will be recorded and can be viewed (on request only) for two months.
Accreditation points are requested from the AVIG.
The NVKH accredits this seminar with 2 days of Classical Homeopathy.